One handle – many possibilities

A person adding a ClickUp insect hotel to a ClickUp Handle

One-Click Connector

The GARDENA ClickUp! Handle serves as a base for all ClickUp! decoration attachments. With the innovative GARDENA ClickUp! System, the attachments are easily interchangeable thanks to the practical One-Click mechanism.

A person setting up a Gardena ClickUp Handle in their garden

Firmly anchored

The stainless steel speared end guarantees a firm and stable anchorage to the ground and, with the help of the special metal rod, you can easily push it into the ground without tools.

Various Gardena garden Decoration product throughout different seasons

The ClickUp! System

Place the award-winning ClickUp! Handle in a special place in your garden, add a ClickUp! decorative attachment of your choice and give your outdoor surroundings special style, warmth and character.

A person lighting a Gardena ClickUp Torch with some matches

Premium & elegant design

The GARDENA ClickUp! Torch Fireplace skillfully sets the scene in your garden with its warm glow. This garden torch is part of the GARDENA ClickUp! garden decoration range and offers an elegant touch to any garden.


Garden inspiration

family in garden

Gardening with kids

There are so many wonderful benefits to getting outside and gardening with the kids, from the simple fresh air and exercise to the different mental challenges for our brains. Not to mention the sense of achievement when the work is done.
Woman in hammock

Surviving the heat

Unlike us, plants in our gardens don’t have the luxury of seeking shelter and can only do their best with where they are. Any assistance the garden can get from us at this time of year will make the difference between life and death.
Herbs in box

Unusual Herbs

If you need to elevate a dish beyond the ordinary then herbs and spices are the best way to do so. Instead of the usual parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, why not try growing chervil, lovage, saffron, salad burnet, savory and sorrel.