For every possible job in the garden

Logo 25 year warranty

Gardening tools with a 25-year warranty

The GARDENA combisystem range includes everything you need for cultivating soil in your garden, for tidying up garden paths, and for clearing up fallen leaves from the lawn. GARDENA offers a 25-year warranty on all combisystem products.

Range of Gardena combisystem Products

Convenient storage

Both vertical and horizontal storage options are available to suit the allocated space in the shed or garage. Both handles, combisystem and other gardening products can be stored in one place.


Extensive range

The combisystem range offers brooms, rakes, hoes and saws in different sizes and types to suit each gardener’s personal preference and the task at hand.

GARDENA Gutter Cleaner

Work from a comfortable position

GARDENA combisystem handles vary in length from 130 to 390 cm depending on the model. Adjusting according to the work and your body height produces optimal results and comfort.

A woman adding a broom to a combisystem Handle

Wobble-free connection

The GARDENA combisystem handle and attachments connect perfectly together to provide a tight fit. This reliable technology guarantees your tools stay wobble-free while you work.

Close-up of a combisystem Hoe

Corrosion protection

All metal combisystem tools are made of high-quality steel coated with Duroplast to protect the products from corrosion.


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